
Stimuli for manuscript under review at Neuropsychologia (March 2019). Words to which we time-locked the ERPs are underlined. Copyright Tamara Swaab ( & University of California, Davis. Please do not use these stimuli without permission.


Psychological and Neural Mechanisms of Language Comprehension

Our research aims to elucidate the cognitive and neural mechanisms that are involved in the real-time comprehension of words, sentences, and discourse, and on how these different levels of language information interact in real-time during comprehension of spoken and written language input.

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Opportunities for Undergraduate Research Internships

Many UC-Davis undergraduate students work as research interns in our lab. We occasionally take interns from other nearby universities during the academic year or interns from more distant colleges and universities during the summer. We require a minimum GPA of 3.2.

We have a special interest in applicants who are Spanish-English bilinguals or Chinese-English bilinguals.